News & Announcements
What Is In Your Toolbox?
Senior Ade Akisanya throws the shot put and discus for the TFS track and field team, but keeping weights in his toolbox is essential to his performance. “The strength and explosiveness I build in the weight room lay the foundation for refining my skills and abilities during the season. TFS has access to dedicated coaches and a top-tier weight room, which have been instrumental in my development.”
Ade sticks to a consistent weightlifting schedule, which has instilled discipline. This has carried over into other areas of his life. “Weightlifting coach Diana Neal has been an incredible influence on me, helping me grow as a person and a student,” he said. “She has taught me lessons from the weight room, like consistency and focus, enhance my studies and future goals. When I shared my aspiration to become a physician, she took it upon herself to explain my workouts from a biological perspective.”