News & Announcements
TFS Announces Middle School Students of the Month for February
Middle school teachers at Tallulah Falls School have named Students of the Month for January in all grades as follows:
The sixth-grade teachers have selected Wynn Whitlark of Sautee as Student of the Month for February. Wynn is a brilliant student who is dedicated to her friends. If someone needs support, in or out of the classroom, Wynn is there. She has a kind heart that always has room for a new friend. Wynn stands strong for her beliefs. She stands for what is right.
The seventh-grade teachers have selected Josie Brooks of Clarkesville as Student of the Month for February. Conscientious and diligent in her study habits, Josie can always be counted on to have her work completed to the best of her ability. She is cheerful and positive in her interactions with other students and teachers, and she is always willing to help anyone in the classroom. Outside school, she participates in competition cheer and spends long hours at practices and competitions. Congratulations to Josie!
The eighth-grade teachers have selected Keller VanOrman of Clarkesville as Student of the Month for February. Keller shows initiative and respectfully advocates for himself and his peers. Diligence, bravery, and humility define his character. Congratulations to Keller.