Athletics News

TFS names Boarding Students of the Month for November


Tallulah Falls School boarding staff have selected freshman Lily Desta and junior Sean Lynes as the Tallulah Falls School Boarding Students of the Month for November. 

Desta is from Lawrenceville, Georgia and Lynes is from the Bahamas. Selected from more than 100 boarding students at the school, Desta and Lynes exceed the award's qualifications, including exhibiting a positive attitude, punctuality, dependability and leadership within the boarding environment.

Lily is always available to lend a helping hand and often encourages other students to join during recreation or other fun activities. Since August, it has been most notable how Lily has challenged herself to become a better student and improve her time management skills. We are very proud to have a student like Lily in the dorms to exemplify these positive character traits.   
– Darilee Sims, Dorm Counselor 

New to us this year, Sean has immediately made his presence known through his kindness, leadership and outgoing personality. Tallulah Falls School is lucky to have a student of Sean's caliber and we look forward to more great things from him in our boarding program.
– Jon Benson, Dorm Counselor


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