Athletics News

JV Indians close season with road win at Franklin


The JV Indians took an 8-0 win in their season-ending contest Monday at Franklin County behind a 5-goal game from Bogdan Jesic.

Jackson Cantrell added a pair, while Matej Skocic and Andrej Drakulovi contributed with goals as well in the clean sheet win. Three assists came from Jorge Gomez Prieto, two from Jesic, and one by Cantrell.

"The game was very well played and the guys kept their composure the whole game playing out of the back and making very strategic decisions," exclaims coach Cole Hansen. "It was a fun game to watch and a great way to end the season."

The Indians closed the season with a 6-1-1 record.

5 - Bogdan Jesic (29)
2 - Jackson Cantrell (3)
Matej Skocic (3)
Andrej Drakulovi (11)

3 - Jorge Gomez Prieto (14)
2 - Bogdan Jesic (10) 
Jackson Cantrell (1)

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